29 STEPS, 2023

‘29 STEPS’ is an instrumental space installation project between Cecilia Feng and Wei Kang Beh, that explores taking the form of a physically enclosed, yet trasparent plastic material as define of wallspaces, installing a temporial shelter(while), a layer of instrumental space for listening and interacting , between the environment, weather, the installation and the visitors.

a space as an instrument

struck by drops of rain from the sky stones on the ground

a blurred vision
a sharper perception
spectacles emerge between gravity and rain where ECHOES from the past of space flow


Your oxygen will end in 29 steps.
the speed and length do not matter

Watch your steps.
Take a shelter.
It might be raining outside.

Special thanks to:

Cecelia Xuetong Feng, Yang Cheng, Shu, Peat, and Wanida.

exhibited at: phantom emission festival 2023 at Hin Bus Depot in Penang, Malaysia from 03.02.2023 to 05.02.2023.